What Is the American Sugar Alliance?

The American Sugar Alliance is a national coalition of sugarbeet and sugarcane producers, including sugar farmers, sugar processors, sugar refiners, sugar suppliers, sugar workers and others dedicated to preserving a strong U.S. sugar industry. The American Sugar Alliance works to ensure that sugar farmers and workers in the U.S. sugar industry survive in a world of heavily subsidized sugar. Only through a united effort can these dedicated Americans continue to offer a plentiful, secure and reasonably priced sugar supply. The American Sugar Alliance provides the backing and support to meet this national need.

Members and Executive Committee

The U.S. sugar industry is made up of thousands of sugar beet farmers and sugar cane farmers who produce sugar, as well as thousands of other Americans who work in sugar production and sugar processing and in other businesses, providing goods and services to the U.S. sugar industry. Membership in the American Sugar Alliance ranges from the sugar producers themselves–including sugar farmers all across the country, sugar processors and sugar refiners–to the implement dealers, local banks, community businesses of all types, fertilizer distributors, factory workers producing heavy equipment needed in sugar production, and countless others in services and sugar supply. This great diversity in membership lends tremendous strength to the American Sugar Alliance and the U.S. sugar industry it serves.

If you’re interested in becoming a member of the American Sugar Alliance, click here.

Executive Committee

Luther Markwart

Executive Vice President & CEO
American Sugarbeet Growers Association

Cassie Bladow

President & CEO
U.S. Beet Sugar Association

Ryan Weston

Chief Executive Officer,
Florida Sugar Cane League

Washington Representative
Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers

Jack Pettus

Vice President of Government Relations
American Sugar Cane League


Vickie Rideout Myers

Executive Director
[email protected]

Dr. Robert Johansson

Director of Economics and Policy Analysis
[email protected]

Casey Bean

Trade Advisor
[email protected]

Elizabeth Fusick

Director of Communications
[email protected]

Laura Gouge

Special Projects Manager
[email protected]

American Sugar Alliance Internship Opportunity:

Summer Intern Position Description

The American Sugar Alliance (ASA) is seeking an intern(s) for Summer 2024. The intern(s) will assist ASA through research on government policies that impact farmers, cooperatives, and the food industry. This position will provide exposure to a range of duties including analyzing trade policy, markets, agricultural policy, farm income and taxes, as well as assisting with meeting planning, communications, research, and administrative work.  Interns will be asked to write reports and summaries of briefings or meetings. This position will provide exposure to the legislative process, working with federal agencies, and networking opportunities.


Candidates should possess an interest in agriculture and government relations. Candidates should have the ability to collect and analyze data, conduct issues-based research, and write reports. This position requires excellent written and oral communication skills, the ability to work independently and meet deadlines, and a willingness to work as a team player. The ideal candidate would be a junior or senior level student pursuing a degree in agriculture, economics, or public policy.  Skills desired (but not required) include proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook; Adobe Suite; and PhotoShop. U.S. citizenship required.


This is a paid internship with an hourly rate of $20. The intern is expected to work 30 hours each week (excluding holidays). The internship will last up to 9 weeks from June – August with flexible start and end dates. The internship is located in Arlington, VA and interns are responsible for their own travel and housing expenses. Potential travel to staff ASA’s summer meeting in Seattle will be covered for 4-5 days.

How to Apply

Please send cover letter, resume, and up to two writing samples to [email protected]. Applicants should specify their areas of interest, how this internship will further their progress toward career goals, and how their background provides them with the knowledge and abilities to excel in this internship. Applications received by May 15 will be given first consideration. Questions can be directed to Vickie Myers, Executive Director, at [email protected].

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