America’s Sugarbeet and Sugarcane Farm Families, Factory Workers Applaud the Strong Sugar Provisions Included in Senator Boozman’s Farm Bill Framework

On behalf of America’s sugarbeet and sugarcane farm families and the factory workers from across the country represented by the American Sugar Alliance, Neil Rockstad, a Minnesota sugarbeet grower, fourth-generation farmer and President of the American Sugarbeet Growers Association, and Patrick Frischhertz, a Louisiana sugarcane grower and eighth-generation farmer, issued the following joint statement in […]

Statement on House Committee Passage of Farm Bill with Strengthened Sugar Policy

The American Sugar Alliance issued the following statement on the bipartisan passage of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 by the House Agriculture Committee:    “Yesterday’s bipartisan committee passage of the Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 includes strengthened sugar policy provisions that will help ensure our family farmers and […]

India Continues Bitter Sugar Subsidies

A new U.S. government report on India’s egregious trade practices, co-authored with the government of Australia, once again demonstrates the importance of a robust U.S. sugar policy. As Congress is preparing to debate a five-year Farm Bill that includes a strengthened safety net for American sugar crop farmers – at no cost to U.S. taxpayers […]

America’s Sugarbeet and Sugarcane Farm Families, Factory Workers Applaud the Strong Farm Safety Net in House Farm Bill

On behalf of America’s sugarbeet and sugarcane farm families and the factory workers from across the country represented by the American Sugar Alliance, Neil Rockstad, a Minnesota sugarbeet grower, fourth-generation farmer and President of the American Sugarbeet Growers Association, and Patrick Frischhertz, a Louisiana sugarcane grower and eighth-generation farmer, issued the following joint statement on […]

Colorado, Montana Sugarbeet Farmers Urge Congress to Support Sugar Policy

With the next Farm Bill on the horizon, two sugarbeet farmers recently took to the pages of their homestate papers to praise U.S. sugar policy for keeping our food supply secure and supporting their family farms. U.S. sugar policy must be preserved and strengthened in the next Farm Bill. Colorado farmer Paul Schlagel grows sugarbeets […]

Experienced USDA FAS Official Joins Sugar Alliance

A long-time veteran of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Casey Bean will join the American Sugar Alliance (ASA) as the organization’s trade consultant on May 1. Bean will work with ASA to analyze the complex global trade issues that impact U.S. sugar farmers and shape America’s no-cost sugar policy. With more than thirty years […]


Bright Forecast for America’s Sugar Industry

Recently the Food and Agriculture Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) at the University of Missouri released their outlook for U.S. agriculture. They project that American sugar production remains strong and is expected to grow, despite challenges we have seen over the past couple years including factory closures in Sidney, MT, and Santa Rosa, TX. “Despite new […]

Statement on the Passing of Former USDA Undersecretary for Farm Production and Conservation

The American Sugar Alliance and its more than 11,000 sugarbeet and sugarcane family farmers mourn the loss of Bill Northey, a champion for agriculture.  Mr. Northey while at USDA shepherded the implementation of 2018 Farm Bill and the sugar Suspension Agreements with Mexico. He also guided farmers through unprecedented natural disasters, as well as the […]

American Farm Bureau Federation Backs U.S. Sugar Producers – Votes to Endorse No-Cost Sugar Policy

Last week the American Farm Bureau Federation met for its 105th convention, gathering farmers and ranchers from across the country to discuss issues critical to its members. As part of its 2024 policy resolutions, AFBF expressed its continued support for no-cost sugar policy. “We applaud the American Farm Bureau Federation’s continued support of no-cost U.S. […]

WSJ Letter to the Editor: Don’t offshore our American family farms

By Rob Johansson, Director of Economics and Policy Analysis at the American Sugar Alliance American family farmers work around the clock to grow the sugar crops that help feed our nation. Phil Gramm and Donald J. Boudreaux demonize them by referencing a flawed GAO report that ignores the serious threat to our farmers and agricultural […]

Farm Policy Experts Note Rising Costs of Producing Sugarbeets and Sugarcane

In a recent Southern Ag Today article, two well-respected professors looked at the rising costs of production for sugarbeet and sugarcane farmers. Their analysis, which is a timely addition to the upcoming farm bill discussions, is in stark contrast to the non-treatment of this important issue by GAO in a recent report purportedly on the U.S. sugar market. “Drs. […]


There is No Sugar Supply Shortage in the United States. Period.

Recently, big corporate candy executives have been pushing a false narrative that there is a domestic sugar shortage. According to a recent report from the United States Department of Agriculture, not only are these reports totally false — there is actually a plentiful supply of sugar, assuring American families they will once again enjoy another […]

Farm Policy Experts Respond to Inaccuracies in GAO Sugar Report

In a recent Southern Ag Today article, three well-respected experts on farm policy – including sugar policy – criticized GAO’s recent report on sugar. “GAO’s report did not add anything new to the discussion of the U.S. sugar program, and it missed an opportunity to finally provide a balanced report which includes the benefits provided […]

Vince Smith’s Op-Ed in the Hill is False

Vince Smith’s op-ed in the Hill is based on a false premise and makes several main points that we’ve repeatedly debunked. First, Smith’s op-ed and the GAO report both base their arguments on the false notion that global sugar markets are competitive and are not grossly distorted by foreign subsidization of sugar and ethanol sectors.  […]

American Sugar Alliance Responds to Inaccuracies in GAO Sugar Report

“GAO continues to make major and obvious errors in their analysis of sugar policy and markets in the United States and in other countries to the detriment of American farm families and workers. We urge Congress to consider the facts, including that global sugar costs of production have routinely exceeded global sugar prices over the […]

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